AC&Y - Norfolk & Western History

During 1950, the United State's railroad industry was fraught with competition. Sandwiched between several large Class 1 carriers sat the 171 mile AC&Y Railroad. The competition led to mergers and consolidations of many carriers. In 1964, a larger merger was occurring with the Norfolk & Western Railway leasing, merging with, or purchasing several other railroads. Petitioning to be included the merger, the AC&Y felt it best to join then be left out and run out of business completely by the newly created carrier. While included in the Norfolk & Western merger the AC&Y was kept independent and locally operated. This decision was based on conserving the AC&Y's long-established and highly competitive Akron freight customer relations intact.
The AC&Y operated autonomously in this relationship with Norfolk & Western for almost two decades. In 1982, the Norfolk & Western, along with the Southern Railway, merged into the Norfolk Southern Corporation and dissolved the AC&Y Corporation.

Norfolk & Western at Brittain Yard